Hi! I'm Caro, the founder of Opsy and a fractional COO.
I specialize in helping busy founders scale their systems and teams. What got you started isn't what will take your business to the next level - that's where I come in!
I can help you automate your busy work, streamline your processes, and sustainably grow your team so you can reach your revenue goals.
If you've found product/market fit but don't know how to clear that next hurdle, I can help. Send me a note to find out how.
Outside of consulting, I'm a CDMX super fan and frequent traveler who considers iced dirty chais to be their own food group.
Doing more with less @ ZapConnect
Using personalized automations to grow your business faster, automatically.

Cafes for remote working in CDMX
I've been working remotely for nearly a decade and I've got ~thoughts~ about what makes a cafe good for coworking. Here are my favorites in Mexico City!

Learn Zapier in 60 Minutes
If you've been wanting to give Zapier a try but don't know where to start, this is the resource for you!